Available courses

eLearning - Versionsverwaltung mit GitLab (Internal, DE)
This video provides general information on the benefits, application and operation of the product groups Mar4D, MarForm and MarShaft.
eLearning to learn the basic application of the MarSurf CD 140.
Das eLearning um sich mit den Geräten der Familie A vertraut zu machen.
Learn with this eLearning how you can do the Commissioning of your new MarSurf CD 140 AG on your own.
Lerne die Grundprinzipien des ISO/GPS Systems sowie deren industrielle Anwendungen kennen. Dieses Lernprogramm wurde gemeinsam von der Festo Didactic SE und der Mahr GmbH entwickelt.
eLearning -  ISO  geometrischen Produktspezifikationen  (ISO/GPS) – Maß, Form und Lage
Kundenspezifische Lösungen
Wenn der Standard mal nicht passt, müssen individuelle Messlösungen gefunden werden. Beispielsweise hoher Durchsatz, komplexe Werkstücke oder der Wunsch nach Produktionsnähe und einfacher Bedienbarkeit erfordern manchmal eine maßgeschneiderte Lösung. Mit einem breiten Team von Messtechnik-Experten werden bei Mahr hochpräzise Sonderlösungen für unsere Kunden entwickelt und gefertigt.
Customized solutions
When the standard doesn't fit, individual measuring solutions have to be found. For example, high throughput, complex workpieces or the desire for production proximity and ease of operation sometimes require a customized solution. With a broad team of measurement technology experts, Mahr develops and manufactures high-precision special solutions for our customers.
eLearning - Salesforce Instructions
Um als Team erfolgreich zu sein brauchen wir eine gemeinsames Ziel, Richtung und Spielregeln. Diese Vision, Mission und unsere Werte wird im folgenden Video von unserer Geschäftsführung vorgestellt.
To be successful as a team we need a common goal, direction and guiding principles. This vision, mission and our values are presented in the following video by our management.
Die Partikelauswertung als Tool zur Auswertung unterschiedlichster Oberflächenstrukturen
If you want to go deeper into the topic of roughness measurements, you should participate in the webinars Surface I-IV. In surface level II the function of filtering is explained in more detail. The differences of different probes, the calibration and other parameters are explained. 
Lernkurs für Editoren des DAM-Systems
This course introduces MarForm MMQ 500 to the Mahr Team.
In diesem Kurs wird die MarForm MMQ 500 für das Mahr Team vorgestellt
Dieses eLearning ist ein Mitschnitt des Webinars "Formmesstechnik Level 1"
Mitschnitt Video des Webinars Formmesstechnik Level 2
Datenschutzunterweisung 2021
Sicherheitsunterweisung 2021
In  this course we would like to explain the technical basics and the product protfolio of MarSurf 3D.
In diesem Kurs wird das Mahr Weißlicht Inteferometer für das Mahr Team vorgestellt.
In  this course we would like to introduce our new Mahr white light inteferometer series to our Mahr sales and application team.
Welches Messprinzip steckt hinter der MarShaft Scope? Wie messe ich mit der MarShaft Scope Rundheiten? Was ist der Unterschied zwischen statischem und dynamischen Messen? Diese und noch viele weitere Fragen, werden in diesem Lernpaket beantwortet.
Sie brauchen Informationen für alle MarSurf Produkte. Mit diesem eLearning Paket können Sie vom PS10 über die CD 140 bis zur LD260 alle Informationen bekommen
Mitschnitt Video des eLearning - Webinar Form Level 1
eLearning-Kurs, der die Inbetriebnahme des MarSurf PS10 erläutert. Sie können diesen Kurs als Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitung nutzen, um Ihr neu erworbenes MarSurf PS10 selbst startbereit zu machen.
eLearning course that explains measurement using datums with MarWin EasyShaft.

These functions are shown here in step-by-step instructions.

eLearning course that explains angle measurement with MarWin EasyShaft.

These functions are shown here in step-by-step instructions.
eLearning course that explains filtering with MarWin EasyShaft.

These functions are shown here in step-by-step instructions.
eLearning course that explains the radius and bevel measurement of workpieces with MarWin EasyShaft.

These functions are shown here in step-by-step instructions.
eLearning course that explains the length measurement of workpieces with MarWin EasyShaft.

These functions are shown here in step-by-step instructions.
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eLearning course that explains the measurement principles of the MarShaft Scope. How does the MarShaft Scope work? According to what principles are the measurement results obtained? This course is the ideal start into optical shaft measurement technology.
eLearning course that explains the measurement principles of the MarShaft Scope. How does the MarShaft Scope work? According to what principles are the measurement results obtained? This course is the ideal start into optical shaft measurement technology.
The beginner's training for length measurement - for everyone who wants to determine length measurements. The focus is on the practical application of the standards.
The entry-level training for gear measurement - for everyone involved in gear measurement. In addition to the basics of gears, the most common measuring methods are described.  Special focus is on the single fault procedures.
The current standards ISO 1101 and  ISO 14405 will be presented and the changes of the last years will be highlighted. The Ideal Update Training
The beginner's training for form and position measurement - for all those involved in form and position measurement. Here the basics of form and position measurements are explained.

The beginner's training for form and position measurement - for all those involved in form and position measurement. Here the basics of form and position measurements are explained.
In Level IV, the focus is on the surface parameters according to ISO 25178 and optical and tactile measurement point recordings for surface parameters and their evaluation are presented. A further point is an outlook on the new roughness standards series DIN EN ISO 21920.
The third stage of the surface finish webinar. In level 3, the focus will be on VDA parameters such as twist and dominant waviness, as well as the drawing entries according to VDA 2005 and ISO 1302. A further focus will be on concepts for the tolerance of surfaces.
In surface level II the function of filtering is explained in more detail. The differences of different probes, the calibration and other parameters are explained. 
Elearning SCORM TEST ab 05.03.20

Der erste ELearning-Kurs als Test